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Paul A. Datti, Ph.D., CRC is a graduate of Pennsylvania State University's Counselor Education and Supervision doctoral program (concentration in Rehabilitation), and the University of Scranton's Rehabilitation Counseling master's program. Paul is currently an assistant professor at the University of Scranton in the Counseling and Human Services Department, where he will be the director of the undergraduate Counseling and Human Services program effective January 2010. As a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor since 1993, Paul has several years practical and supervisory experience in vocational rehabilitation and residential services for individuals with disabilities including HIV/AIDS. His research interests include HIV/AIDS employment issues with concentration on the Latino population, GLBT career issues, and the intersection of disability with other cultural variables. Paul has experience developing vocational rehabilitation and employment programs, including within AIDS Service Organizations and has been working with Dr. Liza Conyers for the past few years on a NIDRR grant-funded research project investigating the employment needs of people with HIV/AIDS.

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